The Apache.ORG website was cracked and defaced by an unknown cracker, and that seems to be the reason that the site was taken down. Below is the system information from defaced: Operating System: FreeBSD 2.2.1 - 3.2 Web Server: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) ApacheJServ/1.1 PHP/3.0.12 AuthMySQL/2.20 This is certainly a cause of concern for me, I don't know about you. --------------------------------------------------- a8888b. Ian Gulliver d888888b. Co-Owner, Systems Administrator 8P"YP"Y88 Penguin Hosting 8|o||o|88 60 Schillings Crossing 8' .88 Canaan, NY 12029 8`._.' Y8. d/ `8b. Work: 518-781-0084 .dP . Y8b. Pager: 518-671-0369 d8:' " `::88b. d8" `Y88b :8P ' :888 8a. : _a88P Linux ._/"Yaa_ : .| 88P| ------------- \ YP" `| 8P ` The Choice of / \._____.d| .' the GNU Generation `--..__)888888P`._.' ----------------------