On Tue, 7 May 1996, David J. Sharp wrote:
iii. Mabey Bob Metcalfe is partaliy right, (not on the Chicken Little -- sky is falling stuff,) but on the need to educate the masses who are swarming to their nearest Internet POP. The Internet is still not the place for mission critical (I hate that word) applications.
Neither is the North American highway system. Construction projects slow and reroute traffic. Major cities have rush hour congestion. Earthquakes damage bridges and highways. Flood waters rise over highways. Highways are sometimes washed out by flash floods. Accidents block traffic. Accidents destroy mission critical cargo when trucks crash. I could go on.... Why should an information highway be any different? It lives in the real world too and as was said before: s**t happens.
If your business depends on 100% availablity, then you are in the wrong business.
Let's be charitable and say, "you are using the wrong network". It is probably possible to build a WAN with five 9's or greater stability if you overbuild enough in an intelligent manner. But that's not what the public Internet is. Doesn't the US miltary operate its own telephone system for just that reason.
Could it be that the Internet is going through a growth process similar to what the telephone industry went through. Although I am not old enough to remember, I have heard there was a time when it was quite unreliable. Why does the present US phone system work as well as it does? Was it federal mandates on quality of service? Was it the MaBell monopoly?
I always tell people that the Internet and computer technology of today is like the Model T Ford; just getting "mass production" under control. Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022 Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-546-3049 http://www.memra.com E-mail: michael@memra.com