On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Leo Bicknell wrote:
On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 04:58:03AM -0700, Sean M. Doran wrote:
If the size or the dynamicism of the global routing system grows for a sustained period faster than the price/performance curve of EITHER memory OR processing power, the Internet will FAIL again.
This is great FUD. First rate. Have you considered working on a political campaign? This statement seems so true, but is so false. We are all being held hostage by vendors here, and I hope the rest of the people on here are letting them know as loudly as I do at every opportunity.
Routers, in terms of route processing ability, are about as far from state of the art as computers get these days. I can buy a < $1000 PC with 10x the MIPS and twice the memory of major vendors largest
<snip rant> There is certainly some truth about re: planned obsolescence of very expensive routers, but every time I hear this argument, it always seems to overlook the three most important factors in big router hardware performance: I/O, I/O and I/O. Nonetheless, it's still annoying as hell that Cisco can't just allow a GB or more of RAM in 5-6 figure router and just be done with that aspect of it... James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor up@3.am http://3.am =========================================================================