I generally like goog's services and the fact that they are free, but sometimes google makes me think of all those futuristic movies where there is a single corporation running the world, everyone is 'tagged' and tracked 24/7 and everyone who works for that corporation are happy campers and live in clean and modern neighborhoods and the rest of the people are scam of the earth and live in the sewer. IMHO that's where we are heading with google taking over every service imaginable. That's the feeling I get from google. ----- Andrey Gordon [andrey.gordon@gmail.com] On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Seth Mattinen <sethm@rollernet.us> wrote:
Brielle Bruns wrote:
Why is it that people start cracking out at the thought of Google offering a free service that people might have an actual use for and that is completely optional and used by choice?
I take it you've never been on the receiving end of a "the whole internet is down it's your fault cuz google never breaks" call when google hiccups?