Hey, On Thu, 16 Jul 2020 at 17:07, Harivishnu Abhilash <Harivishnu.Abhilash@mannai.com.qa> wrote: Classification: Top secret
Guys, I’m looking for recommendation regarding BFD timers that we can use for long haul circuit. RTT is roughly around 110 ms. In fact this is a l2vpn ckt provided by a telco.
Can you please advise the factors we can consider when setting the BFD timers (or any recommended values)? I have set 10 ms dead time but this is causing BFD to go down occasionally.
RTT is immaterial. What you need to ask is what is your vendor SLA regarding packet loss as well as what is their convergence budget. You do not want to detect BFD down for operator re-routable problems. Personally I would encourage to ignore BFD and ask for link-down propagation. In Junos should propagation would be 'set interfaces X gigether-options asynchronous-notification'. -- ++ytti