On Thu, 21 Oct 2021 at 17:43, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
On Oct 21, 2021, at 06:30 , Allen McKinley Kitchen (gmail) < allenmckinleykitchen@gmail.com> wrote: I totally agree that this is not a perfect analogy. But I have some sympathy for both parties in this debate.
Close enough on the analogy, but under the circumstances, I fail to understand the need for sympathy for the eyeball providers.
For the most part, with the advent of adaptive streaming, any congestion should (not quite that simple at large scale, of course) mean the quality of the viewed content should only degrade rather than stop working. That implies that the eyeball networks can wait until links are a lot more utilised before being upgraded, because there isn't this catastrophe of streaming media ceasing to work once available bandwidth is exhausted. This is the UK, though, and so many ISPs have been doing that for a long time already. In fact, there have been several marketing campaigns over the years differentiating services solely on "we're faster during the internet rush hour" and similar. I'll be quiet now, though, I'm not advancing the discussion in a useful way any longer :P M