On Sat, 27 Jan 1996, Avi Freedman wrote:
I can't speak for Matthew, but many smallish ISPs have legacy /24 allocations from using Livingston Portmasters and IRXes before they could do CIDR (I *think* they solved that problem, but I don't know for sure).
I think the problem was with variable-sized subnets within a /24, not with subnetting at all, but I could be wrong.
</lurk> The problem with Livingstons is not that you cannot subnet, but that you cannot variably subnet as noted by Avi above. <lurk> rus (who runs nothing but Livingston and wishes he could do variable length subnetting) Russ Pagenkopf (406) 542-0838 Internet Services Montana (ism.net) Hardware and Business Manager Connecting the World to Montana All questions can be answered thus. NO. YES. MAYBE. EH?