On 12/Nov/19 23:21, Tom Beecher wrote:
Maybe, maybe not.
But what is 100% certain is that Disney knows how to make content that people want to watch a LOT of , and Disney+ is going to be the only place to get that content. Customers are going to go where the content they want to watch is. That's not going to be Netflix/Amazon/Hulu, unless their forays into original content do a major reversal.
From a global perspective, Netflix are doing better (on the face of it)
than any other provider because they are everywhere, and have no/very little geographic restrictions. I, for example, am not interested in Disney+ because they are not available in Africa. I already dropped Prime Video because they were not really in Africa. If Disney+ go the same route, they'll end up the same way. Speaking for Asia-Pac and South America too :-). Mark.