5 Feb
5 Feb
8:22 p.m.
All, I was searching the web for software that tracked IP address assignments. While I did find a few software solutions, I figured I would ask you guys/gals and see what is being used in the Real World (tm). My ideal software package would have the following features: Central Server where data resides Level of permissions (read-only, read-write-local, read-write-global) Email alerts (if a NOC technician assigns a customer a new /27, email Engineering) Able to export/import data Open-source or cheap :) Any tips/leads/suggestions would be appreciated. ----- Devon True CCNA Tel: 502.315.6015 Xodiax Network Operations Fax: 502.315.6035 <louisville.noc@xodiax.com> URL: <www.xodiax.com>