Thus spake "Claydon, Tom" <Tom.Claydon@DobsonTelco.net>
Yep. There's plenty of fiber between the two buildings, so we may go that route. Anyone know if there's any easy way to limit bandwidth on the PA-POS-OC3 adapters?
PA-POS-OC3MM $6000/card $38.71/Mbit PA-FE-FX $3200/card $32.00/Mbit PA-2FE-FX $5000/card $25.00/Mbit Why muck with SONET unless necessary?
Sounds like another job for rate limiting to me...
Yes. ! policy-map 6Mb-customer class class-default police 6144 ! interface foo service-policy input 6Mb-customer service-policy output 6Mb-customer ! S Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking