We entered into a contract with Cogent for service, and were assigned a /22 for our use. This reassignment was listed in Cogent's rwhois server (they don't SWIP). They also gave written permission to another transit provider (Peer1) to accept our BGP announcements for the /22. We have been announcing them to our Peer1 and over a dozen peers for a few months now. After paying Cogent $11K, a billing dispute developed. On Friday May 3 we terminated our service with Cogent, and on May 5 Cogent contacted our main internet connection provder to stop routing these IPs. Cogent did not contact us first. There is still an RADB entry for this block with our AS21936 as the origin. Under pressure from Cogent Peer1 complied, though I think I have them convinced that a few hours notice on a Sunday evg is not a reasonable amount of time to renumber from a /22. What is the generally accpted timeframe for renumbering? My reading of ARIN policy would seem to imply at least 30 days. Ralph Doncaster principal, IStop.com div. of Doncaster Consulting Inc.