On 11/15/13, Eric Tykwinski <eric-list@truenet.com> wrote:
It really depends on your deployment. If you are looking at Cisco and doing BGP, I wouldn't go with a 3800 series. Memory constraints will kill you, especially in dual stack.
If I was looking for an all in one on the cisco side of things, I'd look at a Catalyst 6500 series. Battle tested with redundant power, supps, etc...
If you are looking for cheap and don't mind learning a new OS. MikroTik: http://www.mikrotik.com/ Well used in SE Asia, and while I wouldn't use them for mission critical mainly due to lack of a good service contract, they do hold their own.
Eric Tykwinski TrueNet, Inc. P: 610-429-8300 F: 610-429-3222
Hello Eric, Thank you so much for your response. The 6500 is what I was trained on however, for this case we cannot afford the rackspace. We're building highly efficient networks using mainly virtual machines and fiberchannel backbone. I did however overlook the 1Gig limit of the 38/3900s.... So basically build our own linux router using a stripped down version of gentoo? N.