...to which we can add a couple more: Check out http://www.sans.org/y2k/powerdowns.htm for user-induced hardware footshots, and consider what will happen when your local T1-connected customer powers off everything for a few days. The telco will probably turn down the T1 rather than put up with the constant alarms. So Monday, it'll take an extra phone call to get them back up. users :-) Happy New Year, all! -ls- "Roeland M.J. Meyer" <rmeyer@mhsc.com> wrote:
Yeah, I thought that was funny. I also got a laugh out of http://www.2600.com.
Oh, that IS good! ROTFLMAO!
BTW, we have many customers that self-disconnected and won't be back up until Monday. Unfortunately, many of these systems can not pass cold-boot restart tests. That is NOT a Y2K issue, they need new SysAdmins. We expect MANY service calls from those folks, needing help to reboot their systems and trying to figure out which daemons and services have to be brought back online manually.
The good news is that we can bill them for fixing their systems and afterwards they WILL be able to pass the cold-start test... that is until they start tinkering with their systems again <sigh>.