agreed this isn't the case based on what I've seen based on my latest former employer(s). Comcast is playing by the (generally agreed upon) rules. what I have been seeing is a lot of other route optimizations changing as other providers consolidate routing among latest acquisitions. And of course, there's always the defensive changes also based said changes. constant maintenance and optimizations in recognition of the contracts. it'll sort out, the questions are what's needed to force the issue and, of course, where the standouts end up. -R> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 5:38 AM, Livingood, Jason < Jason_Livingood@cable.comcast.com> wrote:
I have found Comcast rate shapes or resets long running encrypted sessions such as https. At $DAYJOB I had to set our SSL VPN system to re-key via new-tunnels every 5 minutes to keep it under their threshold of what looks like seven minutes for a tcp session. After that the sessions appeared to rate shape down to 128kbps. It may also only kick in during local POP congestion. I am assuming this is DPI trying to do peer-2-peer mitigation.
We don't have such network practices and are required not to under Open Internet rules. I have no idea what was causing your VPN issue - I can use my corporate VPN for hours or days at a time with no issues. Happy to assist off list if you like.