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Le 18 sept. 2014 à 19:53, Daniel Corbe <corbe@corbe.net> a écrit :
I was perusing RFC5575 after reading a presentation that ALU did (presumably during some previous NANOG conference). Reference: https://www.nanog.org/sites/default/files/wed.general.trafficdiversion.serod...
This seems like it would be a godsend for small operators like myself who don't have access to unlimited bandwidth and are put off by off-site scrubbing services.
As far as I can tell though the only platforms that offer support are the 7750-SR and platforms made by Juniper.
Is there anything in the air about widening the adoption base? Cisco? Brocade?
Hi, I've submitted a request through my Brocade SE to support this, but it seems they are not interested about it. They claim their strategy is to achieve the same using SDN capabilities via OPENFLOW support. In the mean time, we are sitting ducks with our traditional technics. I read in an old NANOG thread (IIRC) that cisco was about to support this really soon on IOS-XR, but I am not 100% sur. Best regards.
And once that happens, what are the chances of services providers adopting this for their customers to make use of on as wide of a scale as (for example) blackhole community strings.
I'd certainly *love* to have a way to mitigate an attack that doesn't involve me sacrificing one service on my network to save the rest.
Best, Daniel