I appreciate the feedback so far. I'd love to have varied experience with a bunch of different companies, but first I'm trying to guarantee my first network engineering job out of college. Currently I'm studying for the CCNP, exam, with plans to do the CCIP also (its what I have the equipment for). Learning IPv6 is a good idea. With regards to a bigger lab I really wish I had more money to throw at equipment. (I'm aware I can emulate & virtualize up to a point) I've looked at the career sites for Western, KVCC, Davenport, CTS Telecommunication, Charter Communication and Stryker today, and nothing is posted. How aggressive should I be at trying to work at one of these places? I really don't have a solid plan for getting a job after graduation. Should I sidetrack and learn Active Directory and Exchange for instance? It would make me more marketable, but distract me from my goals. Tyler