Hello again NANOGers, FYI - The deadline for BCOP committee nominations is 28 February. We have received several great candidates already and are hoping to receive several more! If you are interested in joining this grassroots effort to make the Internet a safer, more predictable place (or know someone who should) - please send an email with a brief bio to betty@nanog.org ASAP. We'll be kicking off committee calls in early March! =) Thanks! ~Chris On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 1:56 PM, Chris Grundemann <cgrundemann@gmail.com>wrote:
Hail NANOGers!
Per approval of the NANOG Board in February 2013, a community effort to develop a NANOG sponsored regional BCOP effort was engaged. NANOG BCOP Tracks and updates were provided at RIPE, ARIN, NANOG 57, 58, and 59.
In November of 2013, sufficient interest and momentum in the NANOG BCOP effort emerged. On November 21, 2013, the NANOG Board approved the appointment of an Ad Hoc Committee Chair who would report to the Board and direct the efforts of NANOG-BCOP.
I have agreed to serve as Chair and am now seeking volunteers to continue with the important work of the committee. Please consider volunteering your time and effort in support of this important NANOG activity!
To help guide you, please review the following committee expectations:
Strategies and Goals: * Support an open, transparent, and bottom-up/grassroots process for the creation of current and living practical network operation documentation * Facilitate the development of mutually rewarding documents and guides * Maintain the sense of community and accessibility in BCOP materials * Develop and deploy a portfolio of guides that meet the needs of the broad range of NANOG operators
Deliverables: * Responsible for recruiting a minimum of 1 shepard per calendar year. * Responsible for recruiting a minimum of 1 author per calendar year. * Required to attend at least 75% of all scheduled committee calls. * Expected to attend 66% of all NANOG meetings over the course of your two-year term. * A BCOP Ad Hoc Committee Member is expected to volunteer up to 10 hours in the 12 weeks Leading into a NANOG meeting and an additional 15 hours all year round
Also see the website at http://bcop.nanog.org for more information.
If you are interested in participating, please send your short bio to Betty Burke, NANOG Executive Director, betty@nanog.org. Betty can also answer any and all questions you may have. Betty or I will be sure to follow-up with each volunteer and get our important work underway as soon as possible.
Cheers, ~Chris
-- @ChrisGrundemann http://chrisgrundemann.com
-- @ChrisGrundemann http://chrisgrundemann.com