i rant, yet again.
what is this "the" public routing table? where does one get it? in my 25 years of networking I have NEVER seen it.
Have you seen the moon? Touched it? I still can't be convinced that pluto exists, I haven't seen it, but it appears to be there ;)
seen them both.
i am convinced that it is a fictional as the "public" Internet. or the "DFZ" ... they do not exist, except in the fevered imaginations of marketing droids... and the virus is more virulent than the H5N1 strain. Note that it affects normally sane engineers who KNOW better.
Well I apparently have a lot of nasty viruses floating around in my body at http://www.sixxs.net/tools/grh/dfp/ I used "DFP" with which I mean:
"Default Free Prefix, a prefix routed without having any smaller prefixes covering it. Removing such a prefix will make the prefix unreachable."
DFZ would be the group of all DFP's.
routed where? your router? my router? until/unless you can look at EVERY router and see this mythical DFP in ALL of them, then i remain convinced you are deluded.