Hi Job, all, On the France-IX route servers, we are applying filters based on IRR DBs. I double checked the list https://pastebin.com/raw/Jw1my9Bb and these prefixes should be filtered if bitcanal starts announcing them. Currently, bitcanal/AS197426 is not announcing any prefix on our route servers: https://lg.franceix.net/irr_found_for/RS1+RS2/ipv4?q=197426 https://lg.franceix.net/irr_notfound_for/RS1+RS2/ipv4?q=197426 regards, Simon -- Simon Muyal CTO FranceIX Tél: +33 (0)1 70 61 97 74 Mob: +33 (0)6 21 17 29 51 <https://t.co/dN09RCYsX9> Le 26/06/2018 à 11:22, Job Snijders a écrit :
(I've updated the email subject to make it more accurate)
On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 12:18:19PM -0400, Stephen Fulton wrote:
Unless of course they are not actually on an IXP listed. Of course.
Bitcanal is not a member of TorIX and as far as I recall, never has been. The IP they list in PeeringDB was never assigned to them at any point and in fact was used by an AS112 instance which was run by TorIX directly on the fabric for a time. I sent in a note to PeeringDB several years ago about Bitcanal claiming to be a peer when they were not and never heard back.. I'll resend. Thank you for this clarification. Indeed a note to the PeeringDB Admin committee should help clean this up. Please note that this organisation also goes under the name of "Ebony Horizon".
I've manually confirmed bitcanal/AS 197426 is connected to AMS-IX, ECIX Frankfurt, ESPANIX, FranceIX Paris, GigaPIX, and LINX LON1.
At most of these IXPs, bitcanal seems to be connected the the IXP's route servers. In my mind, if we want to consider responsibility, these IXPs are as much at fault as any upstream provider. Connectivity is connectivity.
Kind regards,