If you're interested in the visualisation, checkout the "info" link at the bottom of the applet. Specifically: <quote> BGPlay was created in collaboration with the Compunet Research Lab at Roma Tre University http://www.dia.uniroma3.it/~compunet/www/view/index.php. The source code is freely available at https://github.com/compunet/BGPlay.js. Refer to http://www.bgplayjs.com for more information about BGPlay.js. Check also the RIPE Labs article regarding the release of BGPlay. </quote> if you're after the raw data there's a link in the info to the API calls https://stat.ripe.net/docs/data_api#BGPlay So you should be able to modify either component according to your needs. --Simon On 24 March 2014 11:16, Paul S. <contact@winterei.se> wrote:
I'd simply just recommend using the route views servers, you don't really need the graphical representation.
On 3/24/2014 午前 02:46, Damien Burke wrote:
Are there any tools similar to the routing tab at stat.ripe.net ?
To be more specific, I'm looking for the "BGP route visibility" feature.