So interesting thing about Divi.  I am a regional WISP operator and we did sign a deal with them and let them use our space.  One of the issues we developed while they were active on our network was all of our IP’s started being homed in the UK for google.  So anytime a customer would go to google or any google service, it would reroute us the .uk version of the site.  This took about 6 months to start happening, so we didn’t have any issues for that long letting them use our IP space.  After a day or so of us cutting them off it went away and never came back.  I have discussed this with them at length in email phone and in person at conferences.  They assured me that this wasn’t them, but when I turned it back on, the issue came back in under a week.  Turn them off…. Goes away.  So we removed their connection.  This was over a year ago, and I have been talking with them again about this but am significantly more cautious about moving forward if for nothing else the above reason alone.  Not to mention the other items Mike pointed out which are of the greatest concern. 


What they do is create a VPN connection on your edge router and utilize your IP space for Geo location IP services and allow their customers to use IP’s from all over the world to check their sites for compatibility/interoperability.  That’s what they tell you.  I’ve not seen any indication to believe otherwise in my dealings with them which is why we are talking with them again.


From: NANOG <> On Behalf Of Justin Wilson
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2020 1:35 PM
To: Mike Fuller <>
Subject: Re: DiviNetworks


They don’t lease your IP space is the thing.



Justin Wilson - All things jsw (AS209109) - Podcast and Blog

On Feb 6, 2020, at 2:07 PM, Mike Fuller <> wrote:


I'd be very cautious about engaging with any company whose business model is to get a short-term lease of your IP-space.  Many companies use IP reputation data, and so you are essentially lending that reputation to a 3rd party, who may use it in ways you don't anticipate until the reputation is sufficiently damaged, and then return it to you and move on to another ISP.

Some organizations' response to unwanted traffic is simply to block large IP ranges or entire ASes, and not everyone is good about following-up and expiring such blocks in the future.  I realize your customers haven't ended-up on any spam/abuse blocklists, but that doesn't mean they won't be, or that their IP reputation hasn't already been affected in less obvious ways.  You should ask yourself if you are being sufficiently compensated for these risks as reputable IPv4 space is at a premium, so replacing the IPv4 space you lent out could get quite costly.

Mike Fuller :: Security Reliability Engineer :: Google :: AS15169


On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 12:15 PM Justin Wilson <> wrote:

Have several networks using them.  This he networks get paid, and no blacklists.  Contact me off list if you want more details

Justin Wilson - All things jsw (AS209109) - Podcast and Blog

> On Feb 5, 2020, at 2:14 PM, Steve Saner <> wrote:
> Has anyone here worked with DiviNetworks ( to "sell" their unused bandwidth?
> I'd be curious to hear any thoughts or experiences.
> Steve
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Steven Saner <>                      Voice:  316-858-3000
> Director of Network Operations                          Fax:  316-858-3001
> Hubris Communications                      