When I worked for a local/regional ISP in the late 90s/early 00s, we initially SWIP'd assignments for business customers and did generic assignments for things like dial-up address pools or NAT front-end ranges for residential customers, but provided more detailed information for business customers. Around 1998/1999 we switched from doing SWIPs to running our own rwhois server. Because we had good documentation, our IP block requests to ARIN were generally pretty painless. Thank you jms On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 5:36 PM Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) < lyndon@orthanc.ca> wrote:
It seems Aptum has decided they will no longer SWIP any of their address space. I've been trying to get a SWIP for a /48 that we were allocated in 2017, but they refuse. And I also see they have pro-actively gone in and un-SWIPed both our /24s.
Since you are ignoring my tickets about this, maybe somebody from Aptum would care to speak up in public and defend this "policy?"