Original message <> From: "Chris A. Icide" <chris@nap.net> Date: Nov 18, 22:49 Subject: Re: Internic address allocation policy
Imagine my amazement when I met Kim in person and found out she didn't have fangs, horns, and a string with dried Network Engineers' ears 'round her neck. In fact, she is a very nice person doing a very difficult job. She has a set of rules she must live by. she has to be impartial, and show no preferences.
In fact, though, I have stories piling up via private email that shows that this "impartial and show no preferences" is in fact ignored on a fairly regular basis. Thanks to everyone who has given me stuff via private email, and keep the stories coming in. The allocation policies do in fact have fatal flaws. For instance, conservation of addresses which results in not filling an allocated block within 3 months is penalized, not rewarded. The penalty for using up addresses too slowly is to have future allocations blocked entirely, not simply limited to /19. You are better off allocating /24's quickly than carefully analyzing customer needs and allocating smaller subnets. However, wasting addresses too quickly can get your subnet-size policy brought into question. But, bigger providers are given much more slack with regard to their allocation policies, and their own public SWIP and rwhois information bears this out. There are dozens of examples of /24 subnets being handed out to people with very low numbers of actual hosts by Sprint, for instance, from their block, and clearly they were able to receive their block in spite of this. (I hate to pick on Sprint here, but that's the first set of data I pulled for examination). It goes on and on. Yes, by bringing this out into the public I've potentially made someone(s) at the Internic unhappy. Sorry. I've also received dozens of private emails thanking me for making this more widely known, and several other providers have contacted me because they're in the same situation... comply with the policy, and get screwed. The fact is, I *don't* ever have to post stuff like this about my other "suppliers". For starters, I've never had a real supplier try to jerk me around so much, and secondly, there really aren't any other suppliers who are sole (monopolistic) sources. If Cisco's tech support people were as hard to deal with as the Internic representatives, I'd go buy someone else's routers. I don't have this choice for IP addresses, and my complaints are going to be public as long as there's people who want to hear them. -matthew kaufman matthew@scruz.net