This is kind of off topic, so please
feel free to delete if you want <grin>..
Anyway, in our NOC we current have two
LCD projectors displaying outputs from two different computers. On
one of the display's, I would like to be able to take 4 VGA outputs from
4 workstations, and display it on the screen (aka: Hollywood square style).
Does anyone have any recommendations for an inexpensive device that
will take care of this? I have found some nice devices in the 10k
price range, which needless to say is a little outside the budget. Security
companies sell these devices for Video for around $500, so I'm figure someone
should have a VGA version of the device.
Spencer Wood, Network Manager
Ohio Department Of Transportation
1320 Arthur E. Adams Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43221
Phone: 614.644.5422/Fax: 614.887.4021/Cell: 614.774.3123