On Mon, 01 Oct 2001 18:44:05 EDT, Wojtek Zlobicki <wojtekz@idirect.com> said:
I read the post below. The proposals that Steve has drafted are laughable ! The scale of work that would need to be done in order to protect NA from cyber terrorism is unimaginable. Telling Internet users not to open email attachments if far from a solution.
On the flip side, if you can't keep the users from doing stupid things, how will you ever secure it? Yes, his proposals are laughable - but do you want to even TRY to secure an infrastructure where Gibson's stuff is NOT done? On the other flip side, the SANS 'Top 20' list was also released today (http://www.sans.org/top20.htm). I'd like to state that the inclusion of Sendmail rather than telnetd as a "top Unix problem" was Not My Fault. ObNANOG: I *will* take the blame for the reference to RFC1918 addresses in tne top-20 document. (No, I do NOT want to re-start the flame war - this is just a heads-up for those who get to do troubleshooting). Valdis Kletnieks Operating Systems Analyst Virginia Tech