Here's an idea, I'm not sure if it could work. Set up a small "verification company" (or maybe even non-profit org). For a small fee ($50/month?) you could have your contact information entered, and the company would randomly check it frequently (once every 2-3 weeks?). Failure to have current contact info would result in a penalty ($5000?) to stay in the program. Then, networks could require as part of peering agreements and such that both sides participate. For their $50/month each side knows the verification company has current contact info, and they can get it from the company via web sites or monthly news letters. It's a very rough idea, but is there a business model and support for such a thing? -- Leo Bicknell - Network Engineer (CCIE #3440) - Dimension Enterprises 1-703-709-7500, fax, 1-703-709-7699