At 09:53 AM 11/11/97 -0600, Eric Wieling wrote:
Also, does anyone have any experience with the performance of their network? I was trying to test our connection to them and it was horribly, horribly slow. Accessing, for example, took nearly 5 mins for the page to load. Accessing the same page via our SprintLink connection took all of 5 seconds. I suspect it was something on our network, but I wanted to get the impressions of other people regarding their performance.
You can see, and compared at <> if you believe the proof is in the pudding `[8-)) is still on IP space as of this time. Of course, one of the reasons is that Mr. Madison hasn't responded to requests for BGP announcement changes in the last two weeks and, indeed, has been making no visible announcements since last week. My recommendation - switch to, the folks I know and trust. Anyone have a soft landing spot when we get kicked out of ACSI colo in Las Colinas?