On (2010-03-07 08:41 +1100), Mark Andrews wrote:
Not implementing IPv6 will start to lose them business soon as they won't be able to reach IPv6 only sites. Not quite yet but soon. While all the services that there customers want to reach are available over IPv4 they will be fine. Once they are not they people will start to leave for a competitor that does offer IPv6 access.
I'm not so optimistic users would migrate to new ISP because some sites do not work, sites which they have not accustomed to use and thus haven't learned to care about. Before this could happen, there would need to be many IPv6 only sites offering services and products successfully, these sites would need to survive competing against IPv4 sites, who will have vastly larger potential customer base. I fear companies offering products and services refuse to try to compete against IPv4 sites, so they'll do everything they can to acquire IPv4 address or give up the attempt to survive with IPv6 only.
ISP's need to be asking themselves how much business are they willing to lose before they deploy IPv6. If they answer is "none" they should be moving now.
You are certainly right in APAC and Africa, I truly hope there would be business impact in EU+US too, I fear businesses might not experience it. -- ++ytti