Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine wrote:
so ... mark lottor's your-machine-room-is-melting thermo+modem circa 1990 is what? prior art?
Or the first project that I was senior systems analyst, back in 1979, all published and everything -- remote sensing in farmers' fields via satellite and X.25. (Messages contained type=value tuples, not XML.) Although I wanted to upgrade the PE 7/32s to Unix when that operating system became more stable ;-) This newfangled TCP/IP was starting to look more interesting about then, too.... Merit staff mailed me the paper, as they weren't accessible to us on-line yet. Seems to me like a company of undergraduates without any real-time systems experience. And a patent office of ignorant monkeys. -- William Allen Simpson Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32