Ok, my request for contact information for AOL postmaster type contacts didn't really go very far, so I'll ask a question that is directly relavent to network managers on this list. Have any of you that run mailing list services had to go through the "white-listing" process with AOL? I'm being asked (forced?) to sign an agreement that lists the things that AOL requires of me (one of which is "do not distribute this list"). Some of the items on the list are OK as far as spam reduction go (and things that I support already), but others are incredible, and just plain WRONG. I'm just wondering if others have been black-mailed into signing this agreement. If you have *NOT* had to sign a legal agreement, what have you done to be allowed to send "high volume" mail into AOL? They continue to drop (silently) e-mail from mailinglists.org, and continue to tell the list managers and clients (their clients and mine) that it is due to mailinglists.org being a source of spam (which it is not). I'm tired of doing my best to do the right thing, and then having my clients told by AOL that my systems are spam sources and that by blocking my traffic, they are helping out with the world's junk mail problem. Thanks, AlanC