This is very common in many countries and not related to IPv6, but because many operators have special configs or features in the CPEs they provide.


If you don’t use our own CPE, we can’t warrantee the service neither the support.



El 25/8/20 21:00, "NANOG en nombre de Mike Hammett" < en nombre de> escribió:


I just make it easy and don't support the client using their own router. Doesn't work? unplug your router and use mine.


That eliminates a lot of problems.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions



From: "Roman Tatarnikov" <>
To: "Ca By" <>
Cc: "NANOG" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2020 12:55:08 PM
Subject: Re: Ipv6 help

I've been looking into implementing 646XLAT, however I found the problem ends up with clients' routers.

When you give them Ethernet cable that has internet on it, whatever it gets plugged into must support CLAT in order for 646XLAT to work. I was not able to find any small devices that support it natively, at least according to their description. The only way I found to enable CLAT support is to flash those devices with OpenWRT, which is not really an option when you are giving away those tiny boxes to residential clients when they sign up with you.

So for now we're stuck with CGNAT. :( I do hope I'm wrong and you can tell me which device works with 646XLAT out of the box. And hopefully it's something TRENDnet's.

Roman V Tatarnikov
W: 310 929 2607 | C: 805 746 2886


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