This is a general question directed to the operators of NAPs or IXs. If company X buys a port, but wants to buy another port for backup purposes, is the 2nd port offered at the same cost, or at a reduced cost?
Thanks, Hank
Depends which XP... Sprint (Pennsauken) homes people to "both" gigaswitches, but only lets you have one router anyway - so if you wanted another port to keep live with a 2nd IP, you'd have to put two routers in. Anyway, Sprint/Psk, and MFS with MAE-East and MAE-West charge full price for additional ports (don't really have the concept of a backup port price) as far as I know. PacBell and Ameritech may be different, since there's a "NAP fee" but if you put a 2nd ATM port into their cloud, they might not charge you anything extra to run PVCs into it for backup peering. Avi