OK... As entertaining as the debate on the definition of "multihomed host" is so far, I'd like to point out that on NANOG, we are generally NOT concerned with that term. The term that we are most interested in is "multihomed network". I would submit that host multihoming is irrelevant to the charter of NANOG and that the definition of a "multihomed network" is a network or collection of networks that meet the definition of an autonomous system (whether an ASN is assigned to them or not) which are topologically adjacent to more than one network or collection of networks which each meet the definition of an autonomous system, but, are not, themselves, a single autonomous system or part of the same autonomous system as the network in question. To attempt to translate that into English: Autonomous System: One or more networks which are topologically contiguous and share a common routing policy. Whether an ASN is assigned to an Autonomous System or not is a different matter. If an autonomous system is topologically adjacent to two or more other autonomous system, then, the networks within that autonomous system can generally be said to be multihomed for the purposes of discussions on NANOG. Technically, the AS is multihomed, but, we often use the term network to mean AS or network. Owen