On 26 April 2016 at 07:02, Colton Conor <colton.conor@gmail.com> wrote:
Do you actually think that Cisco would sell at NCS 5501 at the price point that Arista is going to sell a 7280R for? Spec wise they are very similar (except Arista has 8 more SFP+ ports and two more 100G ports). Arista is pricing the 7280R inline with Ciscos ASR9001. I doubt Cisco will offer a NCS 5501 for the same price as an ASR9001.
This seems more question to economists than network engineers. But the rudimentary understanding I have of free market it means that competitors cannot sell products competing for same customers at significantly different price point. On micro-level this may not be true, we can find anecdotal examples of vastly differences prices for similar products but on macro-level I'm sure Cisco, Arista, Alu, Huawei, Juniper etc are all competitive, I base this solely on the fact that they do exist (albeit Huawei may get unfair tax kick-backs to enhance its competitiveness). -- ++ytti