On 12/15/18 1:31 AM, Lars Prehn wrote:
Hi everyone,
In order to sanitize historical BGP data I would like to use historical Bogon lists. The CIDR report generates those lists on a daily basis (e.g. https://www.cidr-report.org/bogons/freespace-dec.txt for prefixes) but, as far as I know, it does not keep a history of those files - it only holds the most up-to-date file. Does anybody know of a repository that contains such bogon lists for historical data, or, did anybody continiously fecthed and saved CIDR report's bogon lists?
Have you tried reaching out to Team Cymru? They provide bogon feeds in a number of different formats. I would be surprised if they don't have the ability to provide historical versions of the bogon list. - It's probably worth asking. I have found them to be very responsive and quite helpful.
Best regards,
Good luck. -- Grant. . . . unix || die