On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 at 07:05:44PM -0500, Jared Mauch wrote: [...]
I think one of the major problems is that very few people know how to, or are capable of sending larger g711 frames (at increased delay, but more data per packet) because they can't set these more granular settings on their systems.. this means you have a lot higher pps rates which I think is the problem with the radio gear, it's just not designed for high pps rates..
So, how are the WISP folk dealing with VOIP traffic as it becomes a larger piece of their customer's traffic? Does anyone have a way to force a given VOIP endpoint to use larger data frames? Or are the WISPs forced to deal with with a shredded business plan because their gear is optimized for large packets? (Or am I simply missing something?) Or do you write a TOS that says: "Customer is not allowed to send and receive lots of small packets quickly?" :-)