Hi folks, I don't know if this'll work, but I thought I'd try it. One of the networks containing a DALnet server is currently under smurf attack, and has been so since 3:30 AM Pacific Time. I need folks with access to your cores (including MCI, Sprint, and all the other big folks) to sniff in the right places and see if you can't find some ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST packets with the SOURCE address of 209.133.28.*. (You can rest assured that this network isn't sending anything of the sort right now.) I'm hoping we'll get lucky and find this person by chance. If not, oh well, but it's worth a shot. Please e-mail me back (dalvenjah@dal.net) or telephone me (619-678-8586) if you find packets of this nature transiting your network. Thank you, -dalvenjah -- Dalvenjah FoxFire (aka Sven Nielsen) May evil beware...and may good dress Founder, the DALnet IRC Network warmly and eat plenty of vegetables. - The Tick e-mail: dalvenjah@dal.net WWW: http://www.dal.net/~dalvenjah/ whois: SN90 Try DALnet! http://www.dal.net/