Joel Jaeggli <joelja@bogus.com> writes:
I actually use freebsd as a router on soekris, but I do need a general purpose os on the system as well.
Speaking of Soekris (and the PCEngines ALIX by extension, of which I have several): Does anyone know of a comparable small SBC that doesn't have crummy NICs? Not a big fan of those VT6105M chips. Extra points for the ability to do baby jumbo frames. Also, from time to time I have to reflash these to repurpose them (NanoBSD vs. pfSense vs. AskoziaPBX). It's a complete pain to disassemble their enclosures so I can get at the CF cards. I've often thought that if someone had whipped up a memory-resident image of something (anything, linux/bsd/whatever) that I could pxeboot, then I could just dd the new image in over the net. Haven't gotten around to doing that yet. Has anyone else? -r