On 07/06/2016 17:00, Ca By wrote:
fixed line: Comcast, AT&T, TWC, just to name the largest in the nation have meaningful deployments of ipv6. The only thing holding back greater deployment for those networks are legacy CPE that will age out slowly.
It is probably totally off topic as this is NANOG but the issue at end affects other continents too. Where I live good providers are few and expensive. The ones I use and I'm otherwise happy with give me no IPv6 connectivity, that's a shame, it's despicable and I don't lose any opportunity to remind them, but still, I have to use something else if I want to "play" with IPv6. This Netlix thing is just an annoyance, granted, I just wanted to point out that not everyone has a clear way out of this. Ciao, Davide Davini