23 Apr
23 Apr
4:19 a.m.
On Fri, 2010-04-23 at 01:04 -0500, John Palmer (NANOG Acct) wrote:
From the website: About Spam-watch - This list is meant as a replacement for the SPAM-L list which was abruptly shut down in May 2009.
From the website: Spam-L.com was created as a cooperative effort to replace the original Spam-L forum which ran for a decade and a half on L-Soft servers. When
On the contrary - Spam-l.com continues on different hosting with different moderators with an emphasis on collegial behaviour of participants. the original was abandoned on 11 May 2009, this list was set up to keep the forum alive. Hopefully this might now point some people in the right direction? Fin for me.