On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Brad Fleming <bdfleming@kanren.net> wrote:
Hello all,
My company is searching for some Ethernet over DS3 converters / adaptors for a specific installation. I see several options from Adtran, RAD-Direct, and a couple other (smaller) vendors and was wondering if anyone out there has suggestions or insights.
/me wonders how many ISPs still have old NetEdge boxes leftover from mae-east/mae-west extensions lurking in dark cabinets and hidden corners of colos in the san jose and vienna areas they would be more than happy to give away... ^_^; (for those who missed out on that flavour of joy 15 years ago... http://www.networkworld.com/archive/1994/94-01-24rout.html http://web.archive.org/web/19961112045539/www.netedge.com/pages/edge40_datas... OK...that was a frightening bit of reminiscing. ^_^;; *goes back into power-lurking mode again* Matt