Thanks for all the answers on the previous question about Equinix. The reason for the question is that we are working on a study here at George Mason on assesing the vulnerbilities of the Internet and telecommunications infrastructure to physical attack. One part that we are looking at are the vulnerbilites of interconnection facilites. Doomsday scenarios like 60 Hudson street being a target instead of the WTC or the loss of MAE east, etc. The earlier question about Equinix and the Big 7 was really a vulnerbility question. Are interonnection locations aggreating or dispersing. How real of a threat is the physical loss of a major interconnection point. Incidents like the Balitmore train tunnel wreck point in one direction. We are working on putting several models together to try and simulate some of these scenarios with varying degrees of success, but I would very much like to avoid doing the research in a vaccuum. I was hoping a discussion on NANOG wold be a good first step. The project is quite hot with the politicos and I very much want to make sure to best recommendations are made. Formal industrsy cooperation is one side of this, but I think a lot of information can be gained from an informal approach as well. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated Thanks, sean