$quoted_author = "Andy Davidson" ;
I'm really happy for you to sell me some transit as long as I can peer with you over MLP as well. Small commit. I agree to give you some of my prefixes over the paid session, but I'm going to put all of my routes and my customer's routes on the MLP.
With any luck you wont notice, just be happy that you suddenly seem to be selling more transit via your upstreams and also peering off more data too.. :-)
Anyone with clue is doing community tagging on learned routes and community filtering on advertised routes and/or as-path filtering on advertised routes. Anyone without clue is welcome to send me their ratecard. :) cheers marty -- "Picture if you will, hundreds of Cisco switches, galloping wildly across the server room, the herd turning as one to avoid the wily sysadmins that are attempting to cull the weak and sick. The slowest switches being captured and herded into racks, where they will spend the rest of their days, passing traffic, dreaming of the freedom they used to have, roaming free in the data center." --That Guy alt.sysadmin.recovery - <KsmdnWRWsshmoNvYnZ2dnUVZ_s6dnZ2d@comcast.com>