missing? That's bad. If not, can you reach the route? Try this radical command that was invented by Steve Jobs while working on his first IPhone (They won't know who Vint Cerf or anyone else is and by using Steves name they will trust you)(I run Android): telnet 1433 What? It answered? So the SQL service is running? Then it ain't the network dude....
steve jobs knew how to operate a computer? the guy that renamed apple computer to "apple" :P i thought he just knew how to come up with overheating cases and shiney designs to put -around- the computers (well until the chips fell out of their sockets due to the heat or they caught fire :P they had woz for the computer stuff remember :P the guy that first turned a perfectly open computer platform manufacturer capable of keeping the ibm pc out of the market for many decades to come into a gadget for the managers desk, and then came back to turn a unix workstation manufacturer into an electronics toys (iphones) company. the question is: where would apple have been all those years, if steve jobs wasn't around to screw it up every time :P (and where are the BMCs in their mac-mini "servers" ;) 2 video chips.. but no bmc..hmm.