2) Philosophically, IPv6 and IPv4 are kind of like two religions, each with its own believers. As long as the devotees of each focus on their respective passion, the world will be peaceful. As soon as one camp imposes its preference onto the other, friction starts. Unchecked, it can go even worse. ... But, I digressed.
Think of IPv4 like 8-track tapes and IPv6 like a modern streaming service. Yes, you need more recent hardware than 1975 to play IPv6, but it still delivers the same basic services as IPv4, just better and with a bigger address space. IPv6 (or something) has to replace IPv4. Continuing to pretend that we can cobble IPv4 into a sustainable solution for a global internet going forward is just prolonging the pain. EZIP is just another failed attempt at pretending math can be overcome. Owen