Hello all, We are conducting an informal poll regarding email security practices. Reply to me offlist and I will publish the results this weekend. Identity of replies will be kept confidential and all replies deleted after tabulation. Thanks! I will publish results this weekend. If for some reason our anti-spam filter bounces you, or you want to remain anonymous, please set your sender email address to be SURVEY _AT_ ASET.COM. -- Jon R. Kibler Chief Technical Officer A.S.E.T., Inc. Charleston, SC USA (843) 849-8214 Please respond YES (Y), NO (N), or Not Applicable (N/A): -------------------------------------------------------- Does your organization perform any screening of email attachments? Does your organization perform A-V checks on all email attachments? Does your organization perform any checks on email attachment file type? Does your organization allow users to receive executable content attachments? Does your organization allow users to receive zip file or similar compressed attachments? Does your organization allow users to receive MS Office and similar type files that may contain macro viruses? Does your organization allow users to receive embedded or attached HTML email? Does your organization allow users to receive active content attachments, such as HTML with <SCRIPT> tags? Please respond as appropriate: ------------------------------ What AV engine do you use to screen email attachments (Symantec, NAI, FProtect, Trend, ClamAV, etc)? How often does your organization update its AV signatures? ================================================== Filtered by: TRUSTEM.COM's Email Filtering Service http://www.trustem.com/ No Spam. No Viruses. Just Good Clean Email.