On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 Michael.Dillon@btradianz.com wrote:
Wouldn't a well-operated network of IRRs used by 95% of network operators be able to meet all three of your requirements?
We have such a database (used by Verio and others), but the Panix incident happened anyway due to bit rot. We've got to find a way to fix the layer 8 problems before we can make improvements at layer 3.
If an IRR suffers from bit-rot, then I don't consider it to be "well-operated" and therefore it cannot be considered to be part of a well-operated network of IRRs.
honestly I'm not a fan of IRR's, so don't pay attention to them, but... is the IRR 'not well operated' or is the data stale because the 'users' of the IRR are 'not well operated' ? (the IRR as near as I can tell is nothing but a web/whois server that you sign-up-for and push/pull data through, right?)