Miles Fidelman wrote:
Justin M. Streiner wrote:
Finally, you fail to address the one very simple way I described to determine who this scammer is: follow the money. Make a small partial payment on this supposed "debt" and see who cashes the check. Much easier than trying to follow "him" around on the internet, though that would be made easier in the course of negotiating a partial payment.
This is much easier to do once law enforcement agencies are engaged. They can trace the money trail more throughly and effectively than you or I can, as civilians.
Not a bad idea.
And... forget the class action and defamation stuff. Extortion is the most serious crime, and the one most likely to get law enforcement involved. Start with law enforcement in your own local/national jurisdiction - since that's where you are. Look to them to help track down where the perpetrator is, and then to law enforcement there. Civil action to recover damages will be lot easier after the perpetrator has been located, and perhaps convicted of criminal activity.
Markus - perhaps a silly question, but have you contacted any law enforcement authorities yet? Extortion, of multiple people, across national borders, seems like something the Federal Police might be interested in pursuing. And then, if they're posting stuff on Blogspot, you might want to contact Google's legal folks.
Miles Fidelman
Then again, this could be a job for Anonymous :-) -- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra