At 23:58 6/8/98 -0400, you wrote:
Call me a whiner, but I still believe if .com is taken, you shouldn't take the .org unless you're truly nonprofit.
Well...most people go for .net before resorting to .org.
Ironic, isn't it, that the very company charged with safeguarding and controlling the major TLDs is the very company that destroyed their usefullness? When I did a registration dry run today at WorldNIC, it told me that my chosen .com domain was taken, but offered me my choice of .net or .org. Thank you, Network Solutions, for ruining the entire purpose of seperate TLDs. Why don't you just toss them all, and everyone will register a .nsi domain? For a suitably large fee, of course. What do spammers and nails have in common? They're both intended for hammering. Dean Robb PC-Easy On-site computer services (757) 495-EASY [3279]