On 17/Mar/20 19:46, Mike Bolitho wrote:

I totally agree and 99.999% of the time, congestion on the Internet is a nuisance, not a critical problem. I'm not sitting here complaining that my public internet circuits don't have SLAs or that we run into some packet loss and latency here and there under normal operations. That's obviously to be expected. But this whole topic is around what to do when a once in a lifetime pandemic hits and we're faced with unseen levels of congestion across the country's infrastructure. I mean the thread is titled COVID-19 Vs Our Networks. That's why I brought up the possible application of TSP to tell some of the big CDNs that maybe they should limit 4K streaming or big DLCs during a pandemic. That's it. And yet I'm getting chastised (not necessarily by you) for suggesting that hospitals, governments, water treatment plants, power plants, first responders, etc are actually more important during times like this.

To me, sounds like a potential business case for an existing or new CDN provider focused squarely on healthcare, and other such critical services :-).

As is always the case with invention, "I didn't like what I found, so I built a better one".
